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Vendor Registration

Click here for our Vendor Registration Form. Register your business to receive announcements regarding relevant procurement opportunities with LANTA.

Vendors/Bidders who wish to make proposals for projects that involve Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds should review and be familiar with information contained in the following documents. The rules and regulations contained within these documents must be adhered to as part of the funding process. Click on the subject below to review the content. If there are any questions, contact the EEO/DBE Officer at mkhan@lantabus-pa.gov.

Current Procurement Opportunities



The Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority (LANTA) is seeking bids for the purchase of Bus Parts. Bids will be received electronically via PennBid, no later than November 17, 2023 at 2:00 PM for the purchase and delivery of various Bus Parts to meet the requirements of the LANTA’s  operation for the period from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.   The listing of the various parts and the projected quantities is provided in the bid package.


Bidding documents are available at no cost on PennBid (www.pennBid.net).


PennBid Registration

LANTA makes use of PennBid to post and manage some Request for Propsals. Vendors are recommended to make an account on PennBid to access RFP documents and submit questions and responses.

DBE Program Information

Procurement Procedures

Procurement Policies and Procedures
FTA Procurement Requirements & Contract Clauses
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Contract Clauses