The Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority’s (LANta’s) Mission
Services are to be provided responsibly and cost effectively within budget.The Authority’s mission is to provide access and mobility designed to enhance the quality of life within the region through an organizational structure under which a wide variety of transportation services can be delivered. Services are to meet basic transportation needs, support desired economic and environmental goals, and appeal to an increasing number of people. Services are to be comprised of a range of types, provided directly or through contract.
The Vision
LANta: a team of dedicated board members and professional employees working in partnership with community stakeholders to provide customers and the Lehigh Valley with the finest public transportation services available.
The Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority (LANta), created in the midst of a transportation crisis in March of 1972 by Lehigh and Northampton counties, is charged with operating a “public transportation system . ..for public use in the metropolitan area consisting of the Counties of Lehigh and Northampton.” The Authority assumed responsibility for the transit system formerly owned and operated by Lehigh Valley Transit Company, a private, for-profit entity which, in 1970, petitioned the PUC to permit the cessation of services. A bi-county, municipal authority, LANTA supplements passenger fares and other revenues with county, state and federal funding to support operating and capital expenses.
Of its twelve member Board of Directors (10 voting, 2 ex-officio), six are appointed by the Lehigh County Executive and six are appointed by the Northampton County Executive. The Board meets monthly to review operations, finance matters and establishes the policies and direction for the organization. The Board appoints an Executive Director to manage the transit system on a day-to-day basis.
The Authority is proud to report that a safe, efficient, coordinated, economical and high quality bus transportation system runs throughout Lehigh and Northampton counties. It is one of the finest transit systems in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, if not in the nation.
LANTA operates the LANtaBus system, a network of 23 fixed bus routes and 10 special routes throughout the Lehigh Valley providing daily, later evening, Saturday, and Sunday services. More than 380,000 people live within walking distance of a LANtaBus route.There has been a 75% increase in ridership since LANTA’s inception: currently more than 5.6 million rides are taken on public transit in the Valley annually. LANtaBus’ 83 vehicle bus fleet has been continually modernized so that passengers may ride to work, school, shopping and medical services in safety and comfort. Transit fares have been maintained at reasonable levels, with discount tickets – including a $4 daypass good for unlimited rides all day – are available to all riders.
The LANtaBus system is concentrated in urbanized area of the Cities of Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton and surrounding boroughs and townships. LANtaBus routes are organized into groups by the level and type of service provided. Each group is designated by a specific series of numbers, for example, the 100’s series (101, 102, etc.). Below are descriptions of the route groups:
100’s routes – These routes are “trunk” routes. They offer the highest level of service. 100’s routes provide service Monday through Saturday throughout the day and into the evening hours, as well as during the day on Sunday.
200’s routes – These routes provide service along urban core corridors Monday through Saturday during the day hours.
300’s routes – These routes provide service along the more suburban corridors in the region and operate Monday through Friday during day hours.
400’s routes – These routes operate during the school year only and provide added capacity to the LANtaBus system to meet the demand from Allentown School District students.
500’s routes – These are LANtaFlex routes – a flexible, reservation-based feeder service designed for more suburban areas.
600’s routes – These are circulator and crosstown routes designed to address specific markets.
LANta Flex is a reservation-based, curb-to-curb, shared-ride service provided by LANta which is designed to meet mobility needs in the more suburban communities of the Lehigh Valley in the most efficient way. LANtaFlex service allows passengers to travel within a defined area, or Flex Zone. To travel to or from points outside of the zone, each Flex Zone includes one or more locations at which riders can transfer to and from LANta Bus routes.
LANTA’s LANtaVan division, a brokerage operation, arranges special door-to-door transportation services for people with disabilities and the elderly who cannot access the regular LANtaBus system. The 118 accessible vans and mini-buses available to LANtaVan customers are dispatched daily. More than 400,000 trips were arranged by LANtaVan last year. LANtaVan, acting as a broker, contracts with Easton Coach Company, Inc. of Forks Township to provide these services to customers.
CT (Carbon Transit
LANTA manages the public transportation system for the County of Carbon. CT offers services – both shared-ride, door-to-door and fixed route – within Carbon County and to several points outside of the county including the regional Mall area in Whitehall, Lehigh County. It is a service sponsored by Carbon County in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s Shared Ride Lottery Program and Rural Transportation Division and the Federal Transit Administration.